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Install Parallel ZIP
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Text File
260 lines
; $VER: IOBlix parallel port zip installation 1.5 (16.7.99)
; Copyright (c) 1998 Thore Böckelmann and RBM Computertechnik
; English texts
(if (not (= @language "deutsch"))
(set #bad-kick "You must have AmigaOS 2.0 (V37) or newer to be able to use the IOBlix I/O board.")
(set #bad-cpu "You must have at least an MC68020 to use the IOBlix software.")
(set #noioblix (cat "You have no IOBlix board installed! "
"Please install the board first, before you install the software!"))
(set #intro (cat "\n"
"Now you can install the necessary drivers for a ZIP drive connected to IOBlix' parallel port."
"Drivers for FFS- and PC-formatted ZIP disks will be installed."
"Do you want to install the drivers now?"))
(set #selectdevs "\nWhere to install the device drivers?\n")
(set #copyzipdev "\nCopying ioblixzip.device...\n")
(set #copydosdriver "\nCopying DOSDrivers...\n")
(set #zipquery (cat "Do want to install drivers for a "
"parallel port ZIP drive?"))
(set #zipdevask (cat "You have an IOBlixZ2- and an IOBlix1200P board installed. "
"To which board do you want to connect the ZIP drive?"))
(set #zipunitask (cat "To which port do you want to connect the ZIP drive?\n"
"Please make sure you select a port which really exists!"))
(set #zipstart "Do you want the ZIP driver to be started on bootup?")
(set #zipinfo (cat "The driver PZIP0: is meant for FFS formatted ZIP disks with 512 bytes blocksize,\n"
"and the driver PZIPC: is meant for PC formatted ZIP disks. This requires CrossDOS to be installed."))
; Deutsche Texte
(if (= @language "deutsch")
(set #bad-kick "Sie müssen AmigaOS 2.0 (V37) oder höher installieren, um die IOBlix-Karte zu benutzen.")
(set #bad-cpu "Sie brauchen mindestens einen MC68020, um die IOBlix-Software zu benutzen.")
(set #noioblix (cat "Sie haben keine IOBlix-Karte in Ihrem Rechner installiert! "
"Bitte bauen Sie erst die Karte ein, bevor Sie die Software installieren!"))
(set #intro (cat "\n"
"Sie können jetzt die nötigen Treiber für ein ZIP Laufwerk am Parallelport der IOBlix-Karte "
"installieren. Es werden Treiber für FFS- und PC-formatierte Medien installiert."
"Wollen Sie die Treiber jetzt installieren?"))
(set #selectdevs "\nWohin sollen die Gerätetreiber kopiert werden?\n")
(set #copyzipdev "\nKopiere ioblixzip.device...\n")
(set #copydosdriver "\nKopiere DOSDrivers...\n")
(set #zipquery (cat "\n"
"Wollen Sie Treiber für ein Parallel-Port ZIP Laufwerk installieren?"))
(set #zipdevask (cat "Sie haben eine IOBlixZ2- und eine IOBlix1200P-Karte installiert. "
"An welcher Karte soll das ZIP Laufwerk betrieben werden?"))
(set #zipunitask (cat "An welchem Port soll das ZIP Laufwerk betrieben werden?\n"
"Bitte stellen Sie sicher, daß sie einen existierenden Port auswählen!"))
(set #zipstart "Soll der ZIP Treiber gleich beim Booten gestartet werden?")
(set #zipinfo (cat "Der Treiber PZIP0: ist für FFS-formatierte ZIP-Medien mit einer Blockgröße von 512 Bytes gedacht,\n"
"und der Treiber PZIPC: for PC-formatierte ZIP-Medien. Dafür muß CrossDOS installiert sein."))
; Setup
(complete 0)
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(abort #bad-kick)
(if (patmatch "68000|68010" (database "cpu"))
(abort #bad-cpu)
; Welcome
(complete 10)
; Check for IOBlix board
(run "C/english/SetupIOBlix reinit a1200 par ser" (safe))
(set #ioblixz2 (run "C/Look4IOBlix hw=par" (safe)))
(set #ioblix1200 (run "C/Look4IOBlix a1200 hw=par" (safe)))
(if (and (= 0 #ioblixz2) (= 0 #ioblix1200))
(abort #noioblix)
(complete 20)
(set #doit
(prompt #intro)
(help @askbool-help)
(default 1)
(if (= 0 #doit)
(exit (quiet))
(if (and (< 0 #ioblixz2) (< 0 #ioblix1200))
(set #ioblixboard
(prompt #zipdevask)
(help @askchoice-help)
(choices "IOBlixZ2" "IOBlix1200P")
(default 0)
(if (< 0 #ioblixz2)
(set #ioblixboard 0)
(set #ioblixboard 1)
(if (= 0 #ioblixboard)
(set #zipdevice "ioblixzip.device")
(set #zipunit
(prompt #zipunitask)
(help @askchoice-help)
(choices "Port 0" "Port 1")
(default 0)
(set #zipdevice "ioblix12zip.device")
(set #zipunit
(prompt #zipunitask)
(help @askchoice-help)
(choices "Port 0" "Port 1" "Port 2" "Port 3")
(default 0)
(set #zipunit (cat "" #zipunit))
; Setup directory
(complete 30)
(set #destdevs
(prompt #selectdevs)
(help @askdir-help)
(default "DEVS:")
; Install devices
(if (= 0 #ioblixboard)
(set #file (tackon "Devs/IOBlixZ2" #zipdevice))
(set #file (tackon "Devs/IOBlix1200" #zipdevice))
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt #copyzipdev)
(source #file)
(dest #destdevs)
(complete 60)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(prompt #copydosdriver)
(source "Devs/DOSDrivers")
(choices "PZIP0" "PZIPC")
(dest "SYS:Storage/DOSDrivers")
(if (= 1 (exists "SYS:Storage/DOSDrivers/PZIP0"))
(dest "SYS:Storage/DOSDrivers/PZIP0")
(settooltype "DEVICE" #zipdevice)
(settooltype "UNIT" #zipunit)
(if (= 1 (exists "SYS:Storage/DOSDrivers/PZIPC"))
(dest "SYS:Storage/DOSDrivers/PZIPC")
(settooltype "DEVICE" #zipdevice)
(settooltype "UNIT" #zipunit)
(startup "IOBlix ZIP driver"
(help @startup-help)
(prompt #zipstart)
(command (cat "mount PZIP0: >nil:\n"
"mount PZIPC: >nil:"))
(complete 90)
(message #zipinfo)
; Exit
(complete 100)